School time!

Happy first day of school to you school boys & girls out there!
Things went pretty well for me today, it was fun to see the kids and we had pretty smooth sailing. I love my school 🙂 thought our executive director says it is really more of a treatment center than a school. Interested in working in spceial education? come visit us!
hope all went well for you bromfielders and chieftains out there!

  1. Cassie

    Jill…what school do you work at? Do you work with kids on ed plans? My sister and I have ed plans and I am now in college trying to deal with that…it’s going good have no fear…Woo State is great. You’re probablly like how the heck did you find this site…well here goes…..I met Ben at Youth group one night when he played the guitar…and I am friends with I found your website…quite interesting. Anyway after all this jargon…Have a good one.

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