
Just to give you an idea how miraculous Jill’s labor was (and how the prayers of our friends were answsered), here’s some statistics given out by the hospital we attended about births in 2008 (rounded to the nearest percentile):

-C/Section rate for all births: 38% (Jill did not have one)
-IV’s given: 98% (Jill didn’t need one at all, 100% natural birth)
-Induction of labor: 30% (Jill was not in any way induced)
-Augmentation of labor: 51% (Same as above)
-Spinal anesthesia used: 28% (Jill used no drugs and didn’t ask once for any)
-Epidural anesthesia used: 56% (Same as above)

As I already mentioned, her entire labor process took less than 11 hours, which is great for a first birth.

Now if you add up all those percentages as a purely statistical exercise, the chances of having Jill’s labor experience is less than 1%. Add to this that the baby and mother were completely healthy after birth with no complications, AND the fact that Jill was as gracious in labor as she is normal life, and you truly have a blessed labor process.

  1. Jill is certainly an amazing woman. Congratulations and may God Bless the newly expanded Holt family!!! Love you guys. 🙂

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