
Alice is growing indeed! She weighed 10 lbs at her last appointment and is thriving. 🙂 She has taken a few bottles now, which we are thankful for because it has enabled her parents to get away for a date! She is also getting pretty darn strong with her neck and holding her head up. The cutest developments of late are smiling and learning to sluck to her thumb. She finds the thumb on occasion and goes to town! 🙂

Thumb Sucker
Close up!

And only just yesterday did she seem to start responding to people and baby talk. Mostly to Grammy who baby talks to her, she seemed to smile in response, and then later seemed to smile to our friend Kristen and to her Mummy. Yay! 🙂 Me like smiles.

Little Miss
Smirkey Smiles
  1. So cute guys – she’s adorable. So glad you’re enjoying your time with baby Alice. 🙂 🙂

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