New Job

Today was hot:

I started a new job today at a local farm! Since I love the heat, it didn’t seem that bad. I like being out in the sun. This is a very part-time job (like my other jobs). It doesn’t pay that well but I like the *idea* of working on a farm. It’s just so natural and old-fashioned and rustic. And the pace is slow, no cubicles or uptight managers. Maybe I can even work on a tan. I get to do something physical without it being back-breaking work like construction. Finally, I like this verse about working with your hands:

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands…” -1 Thess 4:1

I can now say I’m a guitar teacher, computer geek, and farmhand! Neat!

  1. It’s a local farm on land that is zoned specifically for farming. Our neighbor inherited it and must farm it to avoid penalties or something. Right now there are 4-5 employees.

    I’m only working one day right now there, which is plenty – it’s hard work! It’s nice and peaceful though and slow-paced.

  2. Kerris

    Oh that’s awesome Ben! Which farm are you working at and what are the jobs you’ll be doing? I told Marcus he should look into a farm job for next summer…he loves to be outside in the HOT weather as well!

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