Alice’s Update

Alice had her 2 month check up last week. She’s now at 12 and a half lbs. and doing great! She also had the first of her vaccinations. We read up a lot on vaccinations, and really enjoyed The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears that came reccomended to us. Great, easy read.

Alice is still enjoying her tummy time and has got some strong neck meat! She has also started sleeping through the night! We’ve had several nights of her sleeping 9:30 – 5 or 6! Blessing!

Pushing her neck up all by herself!
  1. Thanks Dad for taking me on a walk the other day. It was nice to let Mummy take a nap, and it is nice for you and I to have something to do together, just the two of us. 🙂 I’ll keep working on my neck meat so you can take me in the hiking backpack!

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