Alice at Three Months

Alice has been enjoying these summer days! Her head can just about fit into the cute little hats she has. 🙂
We enjoyed a trip to the Bolton Fair. It was fun, but very sunny so we didn’t stay too long.
She also has become more interactive with smiles. She loves to watch her dad and even watch funny movie clips with him!
And she spends lots of time with her Mum. Only one more week to finish up at work, then we will both be home to frolic together! 🙂
Starting to giggle now, too! Mom works hard to get giggles, but dad seems to score them effortlessly! All good 🙂
  1. Chris

    She is getting so big! What a precious little girl she is! That’s cute that Ben gets giggles from her without effort. Pray all is going well with all of you!

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