Dear Alice

Dear Alice,

You are such a dear, sweet girl. I wanted to start writing you little blog notes just like your friend AJ and his Mama do. It is such a nice way to preserve all your milestones and share them with others.

This week I visited Lighthouse, where I used to work. Everyone asked how you were and I told them you were a “delight”, seems like the best word to describe you these days. You are nearly 5 months old and have lots of smiles and giggles. You have recently just learned to play peek-a-boo, you like it best when Grammy plays with you and hides behind corners. The laughs!

This week we visited Great Grampa and Helen. They thought you were a pretty sweet girl!

The weather is turning cooler and just in time to wear the new sweater from “Aunt” Becca. It is the sweetest homemade sweater and fits you just right. 🙂

You have also just upgraded your sleeping quarters! You used to sleep in the bassinet of the pack-n-play, but this week you started lying down in the bottom. It is working just fine! I thought we’d need a crib, but I think the pack-n-play is going to work best for our small place. You are doing great taking naps. You’re learning to go down by yourself when it is time, all you need is to be put on your tummy and given your pacifier and you do a great job. Way to go! And thanks for last night, that was a good stretch! You woke up once at 4 and slept in ’til 7:00. I loved that!

You truly are a delight. It is fun to stay home with you and play and smile.

Love, Mummy

  1. Diane Michaud

    Alice, I enjoyed your mum’s blog entries and pictures of you. I’ll be taking care of you on Monday morning while your mum visits her friends at Lighthouse School. See you then 🙂

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