
I was on the way home from Young Life last night and I kind of tried to beat the yellow light off the exit. Of course there was a cop there and I got pulled over. Luckily, he didn’t give me a ticket.

I deserved a ticket, I guess… Sometimes I get a little prideful and think stuff like “I go the speed limit and no one else does.” But then the minute I do something wrong I get pulled over. Well, I’m glad that they’re enforcing the law, even if I get a ticket. In fact, I think they should give out more tickets to people like me who run lights 🙂

  1. Cassie

    Like Renee I’m glad you didn’t get a ticket…but what i really wanted to comment on was how humble you are…that you knew you “deserved” a ticket:)…That is very Christ like and therefore, Awesome:)…keep on truckin’ ben (but slow down for them yellow lights-hehe) ~Cass

  2. I’m glad you didn’t get a ticket. If I saw you in your car, and you happened to deviate for a moment from the speed limit or something, I would pull you over and give you a ticket that says, “This is a ticket to NEATO town, population you, buddy.” And that is the kind of ticket that you would be able to wear proudly, because hey- who wouldn’t want to live in Neato town?

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