Halloween Adventures

Two nights ago, Jill and I went to a Halloween party at Nick and Julie Hurston’s house. It was lots of fun. Good food, games (old-school NES Mario Brothers was played among many others), beer/rum drinks made by the Hurstons. We even played some music later on and sang a bunch together. And we played 4-on-4 beer pong and my team won (congrats Kristin, Ryan, and Brian). My sister-in-law Julie and my niece Faith also stopped by, they’re neighbors of the Hurstons.

Sunday afternoon we went on a graveyard tour in Acton with four other people from church. It was surprisingly very crowded – a lot of people from the community showed up! It was hard at times to hear the soft-spoken tour guide but what we could hear was very educational. There are thousands of people buried there, from pre-Revolutionary times to the present. Many interesting graves and markers and such.

Last night was church, we met at the Brench’s house. After a fun dinner together we talked the whole evening about demons and the occult. It was part of a two-week lesson I prepared about angels and demons – what the Bible has to say about them. It just happened that my second week fell on Halloween, but it was sort of apropos to talk about this kind of stuff then! It’s a really fascinating subject – I think a lot of the time churches in our culture tend to ignore the spiritual world, but the Bible says it’s a reality!

Here’s some pics of our costumes!

  1. Kerris

    Very nice! I especially like Alice’s costume. 🙂

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