6 Months

Dear Alice,

It has now been 6 months since you’ve been hanging out with us!

One of our new thrills is baby food. Mum loves to make it and you love to eat it! Peas, carrots, avacado, pear, apples, beans. The only one you didn’t like was the unripe plum – I don’t blame you!
You are an excellent eater. You just open that mouth right up! Yum!

You are also an active girl on the ground. You are working on that crawl and I think it will come soon! You love to crawl to Daddy’s chair and try to chew on the wheel. Eww! Here’s a video of you on your hands and knees being all cute!

love ya!

  1. Shannon

    Go Alice! You can teach AJ about crawling the next time we see you!

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