7 Months

Dear Alice,

You are nearly 7 months old! You are a pro at crawling and have started to pull yourself up to standing. You are diggin’ your bottles, and are just about weaned from your Mummy. You’ve been trying lots of new foods these days – blueberries, papaya, mashed potato, turkey, kix – some days you love them, some days you don’t (you definitely did NOT like the turkey I ground up for you!).

One of your favorite activities is chasing the cat. She is hard to catch, but keep at it…

We also enjoy playing games in the mirror.

And over Thanksgiving you and your friend Adeline got to spend some time together. Good old parallel play. 🙂

And the fluff on the top of your head gets lots of comments. It just fluffs up… go hair, go!

Can’t wait to see what you’ll master next. 🙂
Love, Mum

  1. Kerris

    She always looks so happy in all the pictures! Such a sweet baby. I am soo looking forward to seeing her again in a few short weeks!

  2. Shannon

    I love the fluffy hair picture! So cute!

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