Winter Trip

Dear Alice,
You just had your second trip away from home. We went up to Maine to visit your cousin Leif and his Mommy and Daddy.

You had lots of fun playing with your cousin Leif. You two were super cute in your pajamas!
Your cousin Leif is a busy boy! He also plays very well with little girls and is a good role model!
Yum! You like that avocado! You have also started eating little finger foods, bitty crackers and yogurt melts rock your world.
Hangin’ out with your Mum. 🙂
And here you are with your Grammy. She is a wonderful lady who loves and cares for you very much!
Here is the whole crew! It was a nice trip. Auntie Jayne’s house was all decorated for Christmas. We arrived in Maine at 9:00 at night and you thought you were in a Winter Wonderland with all the lights. 🙂
Merry Christmas everyone!

your Mum

  1. Brandy

    Your little girl is so adorable, and growing so quickly. Congrats. I have enjoyed the photos and the videos of her. I cant wait for our little boy to come, 13 weeks to go.

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