New Baby Harlow! ๐Ÿ™‚

Today around 3:30 lil’ Harlow arrived ๐Ÿ™‚ 8 pounds, 10 ounces….. and he’s one good lookin’ newborn! The name is still undecided though, and Julie said we could blog and get feedback about what people thought about the possibilities! So, tell us what you think…. the options are….[drumhill please] Steven, Luke, Daniel, Martin…. and any combination of those! Steven Luke is on the top….but some wonder if it is too full of L’s. Personally, I am all for L’s in names! ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course there is always Martin Lukether Harlow ๐Ÿ™‚ tell us what you think! remember there is a delay in posts b/c we have to approve them first (down with spam!)

  1. Jill

    Stephen Luke it is! But, Luke is going to be his name that he goes by! Yay luke! We’re happy your home and doing well ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Steve And Norma

    Norm and I were talking and we think Shane is the way to go. Although, I like Hacksaw too!! But Norm doesn’t.

  3. I ‘gree wit Homer. I like “Hacksaw”

  4. Homer Johnson

    I vote for Hacksaw Harlow, forget about Star Wars and all that force hoowe!! Lets turn the little fella into a biker!! Crowbar, Junkyard, and Homer all work for me as well.

  5. Jill

    comment from my little cousins in N. Carolina …they vote for any name with รขโ‚ฌล“Lukeรขโ‚ฌย in it, because of their love of the Star Wars series. ๐Ÿ™‚ Talked to Julie and i think that they are likely to go that way….and use the force ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Jayne Hansen

    where did Martin and Daniel come from? those hadn’t been mentioned when i was there – watching this little one arrive! Julie did absolutely amazing! it is a totally holy moment to see a baby be born. anyway, my vote is still Steven Luke (there’s not too many L’s and it does not make the last name sound like Karlow).

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