Nightmare Part II

We had about 6 inches of snow today, and Jill and I went and played in it. We made a snowman and let Ubu out. He was scared at first but then tried to hunt birds.

Earlier today, the power went out. When I went to reboot I discovered my hard drive had been corrupted by the outage. So I put it in Target Disk Mode and tried to repair it:


However, after that it got an error and I had to reformat. This is the second time in just a few months that my hard drive has crashed. In fact, this is a NEW hard drive since the last one got corrupted beyond repair. Fortunately, I’m getting quite proficient at re-installing and rebuilding my stuff from backups. My last backup was on the 12th, which is not as recent as I’d hoped, but I must have inadvertently messed up my cron job.

Hard drives, even older ones, are amazing things. They can store libraries worth of information in just a few square inches. But they seem to be corrupted easily, which is really frustrating. I’m thinking I should invest in an external hard drive for quick, easy backups.

  1. Heh, I really like computers, crashes and all. But it’s true – every technology we have is a double-sided coin. Even an invention like the radio. It allowed people to listen to news or shows in their living rooms, which was an amazing concept. However, the tradeoff is that people didn’t gather in their town square as much; instead of reading much of their news, they began to be content listening to it. It separated people, in a way.

    Every technology has tremendous advantages, but we seem to disregard the disadvantages – except for people like the Amish, who choose not to use them. It does have a certain appeal, but most of us wouldn’t like it for long. I don’t think we realize how utterly dependent we are on technologies. No one wants to eat warm meat with maggots in it, we like our refridgerators.

  2. I’m thinking you should invest in a paper and pen. I hate computers. Why do we use them? We use them because everyone else does, even though everyone else probably hates them, too.
    So here’s what I propose. We get rid of all the computers. And we get rid of all the cars, televisions, and cd players. And while we’re at it, electricity in general. We’ll live like the Amish. Eh? It’s brilliant, right? We’ll live on farms and own livestock… We’ll drive around in a horse-drawn carriage… It’ll be good. Take my word for it.

    ; )

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