Jill’s Poem

Nip Cat

Paw tucked under
Tongue in & out over nose
Wise, sleepy
Mammal to the max!

Velvet my paw-paw
Fluff fluff fluff
Casual & cool
Snuggly & relaxed

Inqusitive & daring
Chase my feathered stick
A gerbil should I bring?
Love ’em
Just the facts

  1. Ok, Ben’s good at poetry too.

    Animal Haiku

    Animals are good.
    Cows; steak. Donkeys; Gelatin.
    Horses; Ubu food.

  2. Extremely cute
    I liked your kitty poem!
    Cats are cute
    Much like small donkeys.

    Donkeys are awesome
    Super cute
    Better than tigers
    They hee-haw, hee-haw

    Funky, fuzzy and all gray
    Like fat, cute horses
    They hee-haw and hee-haw
    Pretty sweet
    Wish I had one.

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