Maine 2011

Dear Alice,

For a smalley, you have made many trips! You just came back from your 3rd trip to Maine. It was snowy and cold. Mum got to snowmobile, which was fun, and you got to play, play, and play with your cousin Leif! It was tricky sleeping away from home, but you did great sleeping for the 4 hour car ride. Leif has lots of fun toys at his house and you enjoyed them thoroughly.

You also took some of your first steps in Maine! Four! You love getting up on those legs. Your official Valentines Day present to me was that you walked 10 steps when you, me, and your Dad went to the Library. Woo-hoo!

Love ya!

  1. Tiffany M.

    Alice is such a cutie! I love her hair!!!!Hero is not walking on his own yet, but he does the cutest little scoot I have ever seen. GO ALICE!!

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