Jill’s in ME

For just a couple of days, but I have been so lazy yesterday and today. Monday we hung out at Jeff’s house in the morning for brunch and Star Wars. Then Jill left for Maine to visit her sister for 2 days. I’m not sure what Ben would be like if he was a bachelor, but if today is any indication… remember Golum from the Lord of the Rings? Kind of bug-eyed from living in dark places, talking to himself, living off of whatever he could scrounge? Yeah, that’s me. Cereal, mixed nuts, and bread has been my only food.

I could have gone out Monday (Young Life went to Boston and needed another driver) or tonight (friend invited me over) but I didn’t want to go either night. I’ve been playing games and practicing guitar a lot, and just feeling lazy.

Also, I begin to realize how hard my single friends have it. I would be really hard-pressed with the whole bachelor thing as far as girls go. Maybe that’s why God gave me Jill so early, becuase he knew I’d mess things up for myself otherwise. I really admire my single friends because of how hard they work to remain pure even though their hormones are telling them to go out and make babies all over.

  1. Well, I’m glad you have Jill, too. Because cereal and nuts every day leave out some very important food groups.
    And also? I admire your single friends too. Like me. And just for any curious George’s information, I’m 20 & single… I like Pina Coladas… Getting caught in the rain…. I’m not into Yoga… And I have half a brain….
    (hahaha… No, really. You laugh. I’m stonefaced.)

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