Moving On

When Alice was born her cousin Matthew looked at my thoughtfully at me and said, “Auntie Jill, now that you have Alice… I think you need to buy a house….” 🙂 It has been a little tight living with 3 of us in 450 sq. feet, but we’ve made it work. Mostly, sharing a bedroom has felt quite cramped.

So, since the new year I’ve been asking God nightly to provide us with a 2 bedroom home. It was an expectant prayer, I knew he would provide it, I just wasn’t sure how long it would take. Last week an opportunity came from “out of the blue” that seemed like the right price and the right space!

We hope to finalize things today and may have a key ready to move in by the weekend! It is a move from one side of Boxborough to the other side, so shouldn’t be too hard. Really, I’m very excited! 🙂 God is good!

  1. That’s awesome – I’ll let you know if I hear of anyone who needs to rent out a place in this area for sure. 🙂

  2. Jill

    We got the keys today and signed the lease. We will be renting and trying to rent out the condo that we own. Know anyone looking? Started packing tonight and starting to move things in tomorrow!

  3. Jill – Congrats on the new house!! What’s your timeline look like? That’s so exciting!!!!

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