Home Brewing for a Home

This past Friday Jill and I went to a beer tasting to benefit the Lancaster Habitat for Humanity. There were about 12 home brewers there, some of whom had over 20 years of experience in brewing. I was the newbie with less than a year under my belt.

I thought this was a great idea for a fundraiser. Home brewers love showing off their booze like a cook loves feeding people. We’ll even give out large quantities of our product for free just to have people smile and say they love it! And $25 for 12 tickets for any brew you want is a good deal for the attendees too!

My mead was a huge hit. I brought six large bottles and all were empty by the end of the night. I had people coming back for seconds and even a few who saved my mead for last. Jill was a good apprentice and saleswoman. We both had a lot of fun.

There was actually one other guy there with some of his own mead, but it tasted totally different from mine. Everyone else brought beer. There was some very good beer there. One brewer was 22 years old and gave me a whole six pack of his own delicious beer.

  1. Hey you ran a marathon I brew mead! We’re both successful!

    I can’t sell anything I brew in MA because it’s against the law unless you have a license. I’ve had people offer though…

  2. Kerris

    Wow Ben! I’m so proud of you. That’s awesome that so many people raved about your mead! Perhaps a true business path…? 🙂 We should catch up soon- it’s been too long since we’ve chatted.

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