Night O’ Laughs

Driving home last night I declared it my favorite night out 2011. I haven’t laughed so often and so hard in quite a long time! It was seriously rejuvenating. We went to Gordon College last night, my Alma mater, and watched the Sweath Toothed Madmen do some fantastic improv, followed of an hour of stand-up comedy by Pete Holmes. Straight laughter. It was so good for my soul. And to share laughter with good friends made it all that better. Rebecca Wood has one of those laughs that only spurs me on in joy. So good. 🙂

I had been in a little bit of a slump feeling like I didn’t have the joy, enthusiasm, fun-loving attitude that I have felt known for in the past. But, last night totally lifted me out of that. God provides! Even just being on a college campus was refreshing. So fun. And so thankful for the ladies who helped care for Alice so that we could go out. 🙂

  1. Jayne

    I’m glad your joyful attitude is back! Is this the same improv show that did your ’embarassing moment’ re-enactment? Sounds like a great time!

  2. Such a fun night! Shark hands!

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