
Dear Alice,

You have had a lot to say these days, lots of jibber-jabber! I am happy to declare that you have your first words! They are “Dad” and “up”. In your bedroom you love to hang out on your window sill and wave to everyone coming and going to work, or even the neighborhood cats and birds. To get up to the sill you say “up, up”. It’s cute!

You also say up as you climb things. You have officially mastered how to get on and off of your drum. You are a daredevil!

On the playground you are just beginning to master the slide. You go down like a champ, but then you try to climb up the slide. Just this week you have started walking around it go up the steps. I love to watch you learn things!


  1. Jayne

    I think she’s gonna give Leif a run for his money!

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