Vacation is Here

Been a while since i blogged, so thought i would give an update! Ben’s teaching in the other room, so i am camping out in here for the next 45. School vacation officially starts tomorrow after my community visits with kids, then i am off and running! We are excited to have Ben’s sister Kerris and her beau visit us for the weekend 🙂 the only problem is that they don’t like sushi! sheesh! we might have to drag them out…and make them reat only rice? hmmm. Other than that all i have planned over vacation is going to see ice age 2 with ben and plaster fun time with Nathan 🙂 just plan on relaxing 🙂 which i guess i need to do. I have had some stinky health problems in the last….6 weeks i guess. But, so far test are coming back normal, so i guess that it good, suppose to have 1 more done, and am kinda putting it off because it is unpleasant, $, and i keep justifying that i am doing better. So, thats my excitement. Also, my new earth shoes arrived yesterday! wee! I love em 🙂

  1. I hope your vacation is going well! And I hope that you are feeling okay. There’s nothing I hate to hear of more than undiagnosed illness. At least if you know what it is you can get to work on treating it! Good luck!

    And do you like your new shoes? I’m always drooling over EarthShoes online, but have yet to buy any.

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