Oh, The Places I’ve Been

Is that a Dr. Suess book? something like that is…. can’t quite remember.

Anyways, this week has been so great! So great. I have been to some neato places in the past few days: Thursday I went with my friend Shannon to Lowell and hit the Revolving Museum – pretty cool place! It’s free, and they have some neato stuff! Not too big, doesn’t take long to get through it. But if you get some of the artist scooop/background from the folks there it makes it extra interesing. check it out. We also hit a good consignment shops in chelmsford on the way home – love ’em!

That evening was Ignite the awesome inter-college-christian-thing they have out in Worchester! Great people, and the band really rocked out this week! I really enjoyed being there. Got to meet a lot of people.

Then i saw many of them again tonight at the Olive Branch in Northboro…their website isn’t working right now…but its a great place. Our friends Renee & Cassie played tonight and rocked the “ugly mug cafe” which provided me a yummy straight-from-the-oven cookie! Julie, Faith and I went over the see the sights 🙂

Today i also got to go to the IMAX Theater and see the Deep Sea 3D show. Got beads and 3d glasses….it was great! And, i went to the luxurious Papa Ginos in Hudson so participate in the wonderful service they have there 🙂

And now, it is good to be home. I think i will settle down and read. I am currently addicted to “Captivating” a book by John and Stasi Eldredge. And awesome womeney (what a yuckey looking word!) book. 🙂

  1. Hey Jill!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the shout out! haha. Thank you so much for comin’ on Friday too….it means a lot:) Next time we will def. plan better….we need more songs:) Anyway…Have a good day getting back to school and stuff after vaca-it can can be hard:)

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