I Love Bush

Disclaimer: I don’t read the news every day, nor do I watch TV. I’m not that into politics, either. I don’t read books about politics. In other words, my opinions aren’t as “informed” as others; alas, here they are.

I LOVE BUSH. Haha, eat that, Massachusetts. Why? I’ll tell you why.

1) He’s not popular. When the liberal Massachusetts culture hates something, chances are I’ll love it. This is one of those things. It’s culturally popular to hate Bush in New England among people my age. Most people hated Martin Luther King too, but years after his death we still declare him a hero.

2) Despite what I hear on the news (the few times I have seen it) I think our president is a man of integrity. I don’t see him making decisions based on what will get him the highest approval rating. I don’t see him sleeping with his secretary. I don’t see him lying about his war record to get in office. I do see him doing the best job he can for our country. Last night I saw the presidential address about immigration law reform (you can see his address here). Immediately after the annoying news commentary said something like, “Bush hopes this law will be passed in congress, and (I’m sure) a higher approval rating.” It’s like the news person (not 5 seconds after his speech ended) immediately suspects him of ulterior motives, when there was nothing in his speech to suggest this.

3) From what I’ve seen, Bush is the kind of man who tries to make the best decision and then stick with it. Perhaps that’s why he was voted Man of the Year:

“An ordinary politician tells swing voters what they want to hear; Bush invited them to vote for him because he refused to. Ordinary politicians need to be liked; Bush finds the hostility of his critics reassuring.”

4) He seems to be a man of faith. I don’t know his heart. But from what I have seen, Bush takes his faith seriously and lets God have a say in the direction of the USA. If you’re an athiest or agnostic, this isn’t a redeeming quality – in fact it probably scares you. For me, this is THE best quality I could hope to see in a leader in ANY office.

I’m sure there’s plenty of evidence on both sides to refute or support these statements. No, I’m not that interested in debating them. Like I said, I’m not THAT into politics. I can’t prove much in this area. These opinions are based on what I’ve seen and heard, which (admittedly) isn’t a ton.


  1. “Shouldn’t it be that they are on God’s side?”

    Sure, I agree with this. I’ve never heard GB say otherwise. Have you?

    “…simply standing against the many and ‘staying the course’ doesn’t make one righteous.”

    That’s true, but it doesn’t make one wrong, either.

    “Distribute the middle term here people!”

    I’m not sure what this means.

  2. miggzee

    Jim Jones was a man of faith too –
    Both Bush and Jones believe that God is on their side –
    Isn’t that a bit arrogant?
    Shouldn’t it be that they are on God’s side?
    As to being reasurred by his critics, although it is often the case that one man must bravely stand against many in righteousnous, simply standing against the many and “staying the course” doesn’t make one righteous. Distribute the middle term here people!

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