New Stuff

Couple things… Jill’s sitting near me on the couch making a shawl (crocheting) out of mohair she got for free.  That’s one.  Two, we got a new camera to upgrade our older one.  We sold the old one for only $10 less than we got it for!  The new one is a Casio, and Kerris’ boyfriend Brian had one when they visited, so we coveted it and bought one.  You can read about it here.  It’s a lot nicer but also more pricey.

Third, Ubu was hiliarious today.  He was outside and I was watching him from the porch.  Suddenly a bunny bolted from the underbrush and Ubu dashed after it.  It was a great chase – Ubu even got his paw on the wabbit once, but after that the bunny was too fast and got away.  I don’t know what Ubu would have done if the bunny decided to fight… they were about the same size.

Finally, I’ve been doing a bit of recording lately.  Every so often I’ll actually decide not to play games and do something productive!  Yeah, it does happen sometimes.  So I made a bluesy jam thing and a cover of a Bob Dylan song.  They’re both on the song page, tell me what you think!

  1. awww, thanks! I have a love/hate relationship with the ol’ voice. Write me more lyrics, I’ll see what I can do!

  2. Kerris

    Hey hey, just wanted to tell you that I REALLY like your cover of the Bob Dylan song. You always say you don’t like to sing, but you sound really good when you do! I think this one is my favorite as of yet. We’ll see what else you can pull together…:) Love ya!


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