
Jill made me granola about a week ago, and I’m addicted. We’ve made four batches this week, and I just finished the last one 🙁 Now I need to go to the store and buy more ingredients! Not only is granola cheaper than cereal (when you make it yourself), but it’s sooo yummy. We put almonds and dried cranberries in it. The recipe is a stovetop version, which means you don’t have to cook it – it’s fairly easy.

Yay, got to use the “Food” category!

  1. 1) Skillet on medium-high heat, add 1TB of olive oil.
    2) Add 3 cups of oatmeal, cook 5 min, stirring occasionally.
    3) Remove oats from skillet onto… whatever you have, we use a cookie sheet.
    4) Put 1/3c butter, 2-4TB honey, 1/3-1/2c brown sugar to the skillet, and mix until uniform.
    5) Return oats to skillet, mix, and cook for another 5 min or until browned.
    6) Remove oats onto same sheet thing. Add anything you want, we use almonds and dried cranberries.
    7) Let cool for… actually you can eat it right away if you want 🙂

  2. Jayne Hansen

    hey! how do i make it?! sounds yummy!

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