Interview in Cambridge

I had a job interview in Boston today. Jill came along because she had the day off. We took the commuter rail, then the T, then walked a couple blocks. The name of the company is Blink Music. They are a record label, mastering, recording, and producing music company. Their studio has some of the best music equipment available, including a top-of-the-line Mac with 1000’s worth of software. The position is for Mac support and general geekiness, which fits me well. Also, it’s only one day a week, which fits with the Ben’s Ideal Jobâ„¢ model.

After the interview (which went rather well, I thought), JIll and I got pizza and walked around while we waited for the train home.

Other news on the job front: I’ll be starting at AMSA (a charter school in Marlborough) at the end of this month. I’ll be teaching after-school lessons to sixth and seventh graders a couple days a week. I’ve also contracted with another company, Musika, for additional private students they may have.

Add all of this together and you have Ben actually… working a good deal in the next few months. We’ll see how it goes.

  1. So, sorry.

    Once, I got a rejection email from an organization I had applied with. The subject line was: “Rejection Letter”. Hmmm.

    I didn’t think that was very tactful!

  2. “Thanks, we are at this point going with a tech specialist who knows the music side but I keep you in mind should things change.”


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