Geek Stuff

A brief update from GeekLandâ„¢

1) Today my cable modem decided it was lonely and needed some lovin’. So it booted me off the internet for half a day until I called and had it reset. That explains my sites being down. After I got it back up, my IP had changed, so I had to modify the name servers to reflect this change.

2) Postfix/Sendmail is still not working on my server iMac, I used Fink and installed the latest version, but I had some trouble setting it up so that the system would use it – any geeks know how to change the default go-to place for binaries? I already changed the $PATH variable, but that doesn’t seem to help. Maybe I have to change this for root or www users?

3) My effects processor was put on hold… apparently someone had put some money down awhile ago on the unit I bid on, and it wasn’t supposed to have been sold on ebay. I’m hoping it gets sorted out and my early Christmas present sent!

4) In IE (mac version), my blog page looks really cruddy due to a CSS issue (“float: left” and margins, I think) with the sidebar. I’m wondering if anyone else using IE sees a blog page not like the other pages? It bugs me to fix something like that, since I hate IE, but I guess lotsa people use it.

5) If you leave comments, you’ll notice an additional field to help keep spam in check. Until today, I was getting ~80 comments per day that I had to sift through, and almost all of them were spam. Hopefully this simple step will save me a lot of time.

  1. You’re just jealous.

  2. Dan

    Whoooooooo!!! This isn’t spam! It’s just a really bad comment!!!

  3. I got postfix/sendmail working today. Then my ISP was blocking my attempted relays from localhost, so I just configured it to use their SMTP server for outgoing mail. Bingo, it works! Part of the reason I’m commenting here is a final test to see if PHP can use the mail command successfully!

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