Sick iMac

Yeah, it’s sick again. This computer’s been in the shop 3 times now. Twice for a motherboard issue, and now for a power supply/heat sink issue. Jill’s dad (Rick) generously offered to take me up to Burlington to have it dropped off, as our other car is in the shop too. The computers at the store don’t have a terminal installed, so I download a shell emulator online 🙂 I’m so geeky. Then I used FTP to send the pictures home we took from an iSight with a black & white filter:

Anyway I’m getting kind of tired of driving all the way up to Burlington for this thing, and it’s not under warranty now either 🙁 Such is the life of a nerd – sooner or later all computers have problems, kind of like cars.

  1. I’m like Linus without his blanket!

  2. Kerris

    ben, u look slightly sleep deprived…

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