Being Creative

Jill and I have been pretty creative lately! I’m sure she’ll post some of what she’s been doing, but I would also like to show off some of my creations! Not all of my hobbies are unproductive 🙂

1) I’ve been recording songs with Katie Enlow. We’ve been doing music off and on for over two years now and played with Sugar Road a couple times. Katie writes neat melodies and lyrics; I write the chord progressions. In the past two weeks we’ve recorded three movies and put them online:

2) I’ve done two batches of mead in the past few months. Yesterday I bottled almost two gallons of delicious raspberry mead. This has become my default recipe and I’ve basically perfected it. I’ve had many requests to sell it:

3) I’ve also been making maple sugar candy. While rather expensive in the beginning since I ruined about four batches, now I have the technique down. I can be very precise using my new candy thermometer and it comes out delicious every time now. My next task is to get some nice molds to make it look nicer:

4) Music! Other than my Katie project, I’ve been involved with some other musical things. My band The Cassettes, an 80’s and 90’s cover band, is on the lookout for gigs. I’ve also been playing with some teenage guys (John Langberg et al). Pretty fun to rock out with them, especially as an old guy. Finally, my friend Tony Astolfi is starting up a band and has asked me to join. He’s writing some really creative stuff that I want to add to!

5) Today I learned how to do that cool camera trick where you focus on a close object and the background is out of focus. One of the pictures came out awesome:

In other news, I’m getting more British. Nice!

Edit: Have to remember to change that ISO setting on my camera back to “Auto”. Ah well.

  1. Yeah I forgot to change the ISO back to normal, it’s pretty crazy what cameras can do in the hands of the skilled. I’m not one of them so this was an accident.

  2. The crazy lighting on that last photo actually looks pretty awesome. It’s like you’re in a dream sequence or a heavenly vision or something!

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