Christmas Kazarroling!

The best way to spread Chrsitmas cheer is Kazooing loudly, for all to hear 🙂 Thats exactly what we did last night! 9 of us from church went around different neighborhoods in lowell with our kazoos singing Christmas Carrols. Awesome time 🙂 pics are up!

  1. Here’s Dan’s email to our small group:

    “On a third note, tonight at 7PM we’ll be meeting at my and Kimberly’s place in Lowell to attempt an awkward social experiment involving kazoos and Christmas caroling. This idea was conceived by the Holts. ”

    Actually, the idea was from Nate… who saw the same thing done another place. Everyone had fun, but our cheap kazoos kept dying due to breakage and moisture. We’re all going to invest in a professional model for next year.

    Yes, there will be a next year.

    The responses ranged from pathetic indifference to total joy and comments like, “Thanks for making our night!” I don’t think there are any carolers in Lowell, so next year’s mission will be to hit every house 🙂

    I did get to use my rusty conducting skills that I learned in college but haven’t used since then.

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