Let There be Code

On the sixth day, Ben figured out how to remotely set up mySQL tables for the new site and import all data that the site administrator had been feverishly adding. He proceeded to upload all the files and assimilate christianfictionreview.com:

Uploading Files to CFR

And Ben saw that OH NOES! THERE’S BUGS! These bugs had to do mostly with differences between Ben’s mighty Mac server and Tim’s puny server elsewhere in the universe. But, it being the sixth day, Ben perservered in his work.

And behold, the site was live, and most of the bugs worked out by Ben’s superb coding. And Ben rested from his labors. The site looked great. Ben saw that, indeed, it was good.

Ye Olde Saite:

Old CFR Site

New Site of Ben’s Creation – it’s live! Go visit!


  1. Congrats on the redesign! I see that they are Christianbook.com affiliates. w00t! 🙂

  2. Dan

    Good stuff, Ben – what a DIFFERENCE a little cleanliness can make (not to mention a powerful backend 🙂 )!

  3. Indeed, it was truly a masterful achievement.

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