Cake Mix Recipes

I got to try out 2 new recipes today, both using cake mixes. My nephews were home on school vacation, so we turned Grammy’s kitchen into a cake wonderland.

Originally from this site. We used a regular cake mix cookie recipe (white cake mix, 1 egg, 4 tb melted butter, and 1/3 cup oil…) and then had fun dividing dough and adding food coloring. We found it was too difficult to roll them up pinwheel style, our dough was too tough. But, we enjoyed making our psychedelic balls!

The recipe came from this vogue and coffee site. You can also find them on which has great reviews. If you decide to make some cake balls, do read the comments and recommendations other cooks have made.

I used a potato masher to crumble my cake, it worked pretty well. I also left out pieces of the crust that seemed too hard. It was no problem getting people to gobble up those leftovers! I also made the balls a bit too big, and was too impatient for them to freeze in order to dip them in chocolate. I just drizzled chocolate on them. And, yes, used up leftover Christmas sprinkles. These have been called “cake truffles” on other sites, and I thought this would be a more accurate name for them, they are very candy-truffle-like. Yummy though, and now I am excited to try out different cake/frosting combinations. If you ever have a cake that falls in half or something, you can just crumble it up and make these…brilliant recycling!

  1. I will try that!! :]

  2. Jen

    I will have to try the chocolate cake balls. They sound gooood! I did eat the multi-colored cookies and they were good.

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