Tone Editing

I spent a large part of today with my effects processor and guitar, trying to create some good presets. I’m no tone connosieur like some guitarists, but I was trying to create the perfect amp/head preset on which to base other effects. I ended up with a Hiwatt head and a 4×12 cab of Marshall Vintage 30’s mic’d with an SM57. At least, that’s what my expensive processor tells me it sounds like! So far, based on other peoples’ comments, I believe it. It seems to be very good modeling.

  1. Now that you mention it, I HAVE been guffawing quite a lot recently. I’m working on my music page at the moment, but I’ll try to get on that sometime 🙂

  2. Dan


    How sinister of you to post a picture but no soundclip! You must be guffawing at the plight of your poor readers wondering in agony how your new presets sound…


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