Tooth and the Toe

On a lighter note than that of the previous post….a story of Tooth and Toe.  I wish this was a nice story about 2 friends and their adventures in traveling the country, but alas….First, Tooth.  I went to the dentist Monday for a cleaning, which was actually exciting because it was the first time in a while that I’ve had dental insurance! Woo-hoo!  Everything checked out pretty well, but the x-rays showed that I have a BABY TOOTH growing where one of my wisdom teeth was taken from!  Yikes.  So, i saw pictures of the baby….we’ll see how things progress!  Second, Toe.  Tuesday afternoon I was excited to be able to go out for recess at school.  Wearing a skirt didn’t stop me from joining the boys for some street hockey (helmet and all!). We were having a pretty good game, and then with a big wack the puck came towards me and met up with my toe.  Ouch!  I just stepped out and rubbed off.  Once inside I took a closer look and discovered this:

  1. Jayne Hansen

    that’s so cool! sorry it hurt bad enough to go to the doc. put up a pic of the toe with the hole!! you know i’ll appreciate it! hope it heals quickly!

    post script – took the nursing boards today and i think it went ok. we’ll find out in 2 business days (as in, i have to wait until monday!).

  2. toe owner

    gross picture, i know, sorry. Update it that today i went to the Dr. and they burned a hole thru the nail to relieve pressure – helped a lot!

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