Personality Types

In talking to some members of our small group, I’ve discovered the Myers-Briggs personality types.  Jill and I spent some time figuring out what we are.  It’s kind of neat when a certain type nails you.  It’s also funny to see where certain problems or joys come from due to our types.  For instance, one of Jill’s qualities:

Need a lot of positive affirmation to feel good about themselves

And one of mine:

“Not naturally in tune with others’ feelings; slow to respond to emotional needs

On our Bios page, our types are listed with links to read about them!

  1. I took that one awhile ago, but there was just too much info and it didn’t seem that accurate. At least with the M-B you can pigeonhole yourself quickly 🙂

  2. You should try the personality tests that Becky and I did at

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