New Windows

We’ve been thinking about new windows for about a year now. Many moons ago we had some salesmen come out for this purpose. The first guy was a Newpro guy, which sells a great window, but at a huge cost. It would have been almost $2,000 for our two windows. A few other companies offered bids but we decided then we couldn’t afford it.

This year, my brother-in-law Steve offered to do it for us. Being a carpenter, he has access to order the windows himself and the skills to install them. This past week he’s been putting them in, here’s a few pictures:

And below is the semi-finished project. Steve is coming over tomorrow to finish up and put trim on the edges. Needless to say, we’re very happy to have windows that don’t leak cold air or condensate. Also, Jill is very excited to be able to clean the outside! Our old windows had 30 years of junk that had probably never been cleaned, simply because you couldn’t reach out there.

  1. Plus, it’s good for the environment!

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