Triple Date

Tonight my best buddy Nate came over with his girl, whom we’ve never met before.  She’s great.  I’d say more about her, but suffice to say any friend of Nate’s is a friend of mine.  I trust his choices 🙂  Besides, he can comment and say more if he really wants.  We spent some time trying to fix Nate’s computer (see previous geek entries for the gory details).  To my surprise, I got most of his files onto my computer, with the exception of his music.  We were very happy about that, and did a little “geek dance” that only geeks can do when they recover lost data.
Then we went out for pizza and to see Amazing Grace, which just came out in the theater.  It was a very touching movie about the abolition of slavery in England.  Some great quotes in there about God as well.  Nate’s sister Laura and her friend (Nate’s roommate) joined us for the movie too.  It was the first time Jill and I had been out to see a movie in a long time.  Mostly we like to stay at home and watch movies, since there are no commercials, previews, crowds, ticket costs, and driving time.

  1. Well Nate brought a power cord over, and it enabled a boot into Target Disk Mode, which allowed my OTHER computer to mount the laptop’s hard drive! Before it became completely unviewable/corrupt, I was able to salvage most of his important files!

  2. How did you end up getting most of his data back? The last we knew from your blog, it looked pretty hopeless.

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