A Curious Incident

Curious incident #1 – Jill read a book!  I am an expert non-reader, and will rarely sit down and read a novel or any fiction (only exception is Harry Potter).  But when Mom and I drove up to Maine we listened to a book on tape:  A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night-Time.  It was great.  We made it through about half, so when I got home I requested it from the library and …

Curious incident #2  – ….finished it on National Read across America day!  We celebrated it at school and it was a fabuluous day with kids.  Ben also started and finised the book that same day (show off)  🙂

So, go get this book from your library!  It is an enjoyable story written from the point of view of a boy with Autism.

Curious incident #3 – see latest pics of my big toe…the toenail fairy is coming soon!

  1. Kimberly and I both read and thoroughly enjoyed “A Curious Incident” too. In fact, we own the book, so if anyone is interested and can’t make it to the library very often, borrow it from us!

  2. Hey… I read this book a couple years ago and LOVED IT.

    Here’s my post about it: http://prwdot.org/2004/11/30/character-study/

    I’m glad to hear that you liked it 🙂

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