Ubu’s Gone?

I let Ubu out yesterday afternoon, and he hasn’t come back yet. This is very abnormal for him, usually he’s in sight of our back door and stays out no longer than a few hours. Today Jill took a walk around outside, and I did two exhaustive searches that turned up nothing. I talked to three neighbors. I called the police to see if there were any reports of accidents. No dice.

We’re hoping he’s just lost, but he could have been hit by a car or carried off by a huge bird or something.

  1. That’s… very scary, is it your ferret?

  2. Sorry Dan, for spam reasons pictures aren’t posted… can you put a text link to the pic?

  3. Fishers are almost as ferocious as their cousins:

  4. Cute lil’ guy, Fishercat:

  5. I’m glad Ubu has been found. I was worried that maybe a FisherCat had gotten him.

    I lost a few pets to that fate.

  6. He was very dirty and kinda depressed. Maybe he has post-traumatic stress. He’s just sleeping today – no meows to get out of the house!

  7. Yay!! So glad you found your kitty!!

  8. He’s found! When I returned home today i did a walk around the complex and the neighboring one…but found no ubu. Then I talked to a neighbor who said she saw him expolring in the little ditch on the corner of the unit, but that when she said “hi” he scooted out. Thinking that he may have gone back for more exploring I took my flashlight and looked around. No cat. Walked the back yard once more. No cat. But when walking back the dugout again to head to our door i saw a cat in the little window that is the crawl space for our building!! I found a way to shove the window open enought for a cat to crawl back out. He was timid to come out, but got close enough that i could grab him and get him out. Home a last 🙂

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