Irish Potluck

On Saturday night Jill and I had a Irish-themed potluck. A bunch of friends came for quite awhile. Some of our fun activities:

– Drinking yummy Malibu Milkshakes (made by yours truly) with green food coloring.
– Eating corned beef and cabbage, green eggs and spam (yes real spam), Jello cake, and other good food.

– Based on an idea by Tony, we made Guiness floats. Yes, ice cream with beer. Some people loved it, some hated it.

– Sniped at each other with over-powered nerf guns.
– Played DDR (a video game where you actually dance a lot)
– Played some Irish tunes (you can hear one here, we recorded a few.

– Played spoons, which is some sort of weird card game I didn’t play

Many of these photos will make their way onto the pictures page, but Jill usually manages that and I wanted to get these up.

  1. What a great time! Thanks for hosting, guys. 🙂

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