Ben Plays Country… Yes, Country

In lieu of band practice tonight (see previous entry), I was invited to a practice in Leominster by Mike Todd, and old friend. He’s an outgoing guy who runs a business that sets up musicians with each other. Years ago, Nate and I recorded some tunes at his house, and I guess he remembered me! He called me out of nowhere a few weeks ago and wanted me to play with a fairly well known country artist named Chad Burdick (you can hear some of his music here). He opens for famous people like Lonestar when they come to this area of the country. Chad was also recently on the American Idol for country show that I forget the name of. It was pretty flattering to be asked and that Mike remembered me from that far back.

Four of us (two guitarists, a bassist, and Chad) worked on some tunes tonight, and it was pretty fun – I felt very musical and they said I did a great job. We will be playing a fairly long set in April for a big show. It will probably be the largest audience I’ve played for!

People like my sister in law Jayne will no doubt laugh hysterically at me playing country music – but in reality it’s very similar to the music I’ve been playing for years at church (at least on guitar). It’s Chad’s accent and an occasional lap steel on his recordings that give it that southern twang sound.

  1. Jayne Hansen

    ok, i did laugh at first, but you’re right, country really isn’t that different. i’m glad you had fun.

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