Back to School?

&tbnhFor the last few months I have started exploring different career tracks… It all began with our community-therapist-identity-crisis at school when our job went through a lot of changes. First, the DOE decided they weren’t going to support our services on Saturdays, so that meant a schedule change for us. Not a HUGE deal for me, but mean’t change, and meant no community therapy services for about a month while they sorted things out. For those who don’t know, I did community therapy visits on saturdays (which is what i loved most about my job!) and then during the school day i taught voc/life skills to kids. So, first the day change, and then we found out that we were losing our supervisor 🙁 which was really sad for all of us. He was the best! LOL I just googled his name and found him in the #1 spot on google images! Here’s Doug, my [sigh] former supervisor.

So, I had an identity crisis at work because so much was changing and I feared for the future of my position. Now, I have attempted going the special ed. track before but just feel that being a Homeroom Teacher isn’t for me. I love kids. I love planning activities. But teaching didn’t feel like the perfect fit. So, I was talking to my friend Shannon who is going back to school for a Masters in Library Science and she said, “you should be a childrens librarian!” . Hmm, thought I …. what a great idea! So I looked into programs and classes and felt so excited for all that field has to offer! I fell in love with the program at Simmons College for school librarianship. It feels like the perfect fit for me!

So, I have set out the apply to Simmons, only to miss the deadline. But I sent stuff in anyways, and turned out that they are considering me for the Fall. Trouble it… $900 a credit! Each class is 3 or 4 credits…you do the math, its expensive! I have already missed the deadlines for scholarships, so here I am 🙁 However, Simmons has a job opening for a Library Assistant (fully time) which includes tuition waiver and excellent benefits….I am considering it, for the financial goodness of it 🙂 But i have been at Lighthouse for 5 years, I am comfortable, I know the kids, and down the road would be happy being the Lighshouse School Librarian. So, i am not sure what to do! Guide me dear friends and readers 🙂

  1. Dan

    Jill! Sounds like a great opportunity… it’d be hard to go wrong if you could get free tuition. Keep us posted on your thoughts. (and hi from Liv 🙂 )

  2. Brandy Holt

    Jill, Hey! This sounds like such a great opportunity for you! I am so happy to hear that an opportunity has opened up for you that sparks such excitement and joy. To me, if something feels that right for you, even though it is hard to make that first step, then it is the right thing. Whatever you decide I know you will do great! Good luck! I’ll pray for you 🙂

  3. I know a good job at a fast food joint down the road. They can get you into a managerial position after only a year or so!

    The only downfall of the library job at Simmons is the commute – but if Jill went there for work she’d already be where she takes classes! Otherwise, it’s a great job.

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