Showcase 2007

Last night was Showcase 2007, the show Ben played in, and it was a pretty awesome night! It was an all day event, but we went just to the evening part, in time to see some really grood bands like Beyond Blue, the Mike Forkuo Project, and … Chad Burdick and friends! Ben did awesome!

Ben says: Everyone said they thought I sounded like Chad’s main guitarist, when we had only met ten days before the show! We played and sounded great from what I heard. For not liking country at all, it was a fun show to play. Chad is an amazing front man. We were the only country act (many were solo guitar, or heavy rock with a full band/drums) and the only band without a drummer. However, lots of people seemed to like us. Chad reminds me of singers on American Idol (a show that I avoid like the plague). In fact, he got pretty far on the country version of the show. He walks around and really engages the audience. He’s a big guy physically and had good stories about each song. All the rest of us really did was stand back and play the right notes.

After we played we saw Eric Stoltzfus (our area’s Young Life director for years and an amazing guy). There are three short video clips Jill took and three pictures that didn’t come out too blurry:

Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3

  1. It is for now… we may play together again depending on his need and my availability. I have to wait and see what comes up.

  2. Julie

    I’m sorry we missed it! Will you ever play with him again or is your country stint over?

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