Geek Update

The last few mornings I’ve been getting up and this server is down 🙁 Not good when you run your own websites and others, sometimes for pay! It seems the wireless connection has been turning off for apparently no good reason. Today I moved the beachball iMac into the other room where the router is and hooked it up via cable. It’s working fine now, but I’m not sure how Jill will like her computer being on the floor in a different room and not on her desk.

The weather has been great the past couple days. Ben’s long winter hibernation is over. You’ll see him emerge from his den, groggy and hungry, around this time of year. After a few days he may be found playing frisbee, hacking, shooting his wife with nerf guns, biking, and many other instinctual activities.

Jill and I have been watching episodes of “24” recently. My theory on TV is this: it stinks. Commercials stink – getting interrupted every 10 minutes when you are watching something is annoying. You have to watch when something is scheduled to be on, unless you take the time to record it or something. Also, most shows are gratuitously violent, sexual, or crude to keep ratings up. However, once in a while there is a great show. My solution? Wait a year, wait until a friend buys the “box set” of the series, and borrow it. Or get it from the library (they have almost anything). Free entertainment. No commercials, watch when you want. The penalty is being behind a year, but I certainly don’t care. Most good shows aren’t even on anymore. Like Animaniacs 🙂

  1. Oh yeah… I’m not sure how I messed up the RSS, I’ll look into it at some point.

  2. That’s actually pretty tempting. What do you mean sync iTunes libraries though? Because when you add a song to your library, you have to go to the server and add it there… there’s not much “syncing” going on.

    Does “wireless access point” allow me to use that as a router? If so, how does that affect server bandwidth?

  3. Dan

    You should get a Mac Mini as a file/backup server, wireless access point, and web server. Bonus: sync iTunes libraries. Bonus 2: set it up with TVShows to automatically fetch your latest episodes. 🙂

    p.s. You should also make your RSS feed more standards-compliant. 🙂 I have OmniWeb manually check for updates… that’s my workaround “subscription”

  4. What kind of quality? And why would they do that?

  5. Fox has been putting “24” on MySpace the day after it airs – sans commercials. We’ve been catching it there. 🙂

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