Thursday Night Fever

My lil’ iMac had some temperature problems last summer. When running at a high processor speed, it would shut off sometimes because of sustained internal temperatures near 200ºF. Last night was the first really warm night, and sure enough, back to the old problems. Here’s a temperature graph, it was up really high for a while there:

To fix the problem, I tried (like last year) putting a fan behind the ‘puter that blows into the holes. It helps a little bit, but doesn’t solve it. I think an internal fan must be busted.

  1. You need to mod your iMac for underwater operation. This will provide sufficient cooling.

  2. Thanks for the advice 😀

    PS I had to approve your post because it had a link in it… got sick of spammers selling drugs sorry!

    But that is for a laptop, and my lil’ iMac is not a laptop, it’s a free-standing computer. Steve (dood in our small group) works at UMass with servers that get very hot. He told me to use compressed air and spray it in the openings to remove dust.

    As a hotfix, I set the processing power to less than full capacity, and it helped tons! The only time I notice the speed difference is in Warcraft.

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