Cleaning Nite

Tonight Jill and I were both in cleaning moods. Jill got rid of a bunch of stuff to make space for an air mattress she wants to get:

Sarah wasn’t sure what was going on… this kind of thing doesn’t happen often in the tranquil Holt house:

I started re-organizing my nook, got rid of my keyboard stand for now (don’t use it enough to justify the stand) and fiddled with power cables and cords in a way only meticulous geeks could understand.

We finished the evening with vacuuming and reading. I’m currently reading “Tom Sawyer” to Jill.

  1. Kimberly

    “…and fiddled with power cables and cords in a way only meticulous geeks could understand…”

    And people married to meticulous geeks! 🙂

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