Anniversary Weekend

Friday night: Slept on a new air mattress in the living room and watched a documentary on the Revolutionary War.

Saturday: I gave Jill a present I’d been saving for awhile…

Yes, it’s scary looking. It’s a total inside joke based on an episode of MST3k.

Saturday Night: Got packed up and went camping on the Daman’s land (like we did two years ago!).

We reached our exact same campsite of two years ago and set up camp!

The mosquitoes must have just hatched this week, because they were out in droves. Jill and I used bug spray and started the fire to get rid of them, but they were still pretty bad. We had hot dogs, marshmallows, and beer for dinner. Eventually we retreated to our tent to escape the blood-suckers. Here’s a pic of Jill from in the tent and one of the mosquitoes our tent kept out.

Go tent! Finally, this evening we had Tony and Shannon over. We played an exhausting game of ultimate frisbee (2 on 2), played some “ball”, and recorded some strange sounds with lots of reverb. Now it’s 1 AM and time for bed.

  1. Jill

    it was an AWESOME weekend! 🙂 One of these life-is-good times 🙂 My favorite was my thoughtfully written note from ben, that really meant a lot. And camping was just great. Then, of course, there’s monkey…you’ll have to come over to check out his capabilities!

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