Child’s Prayers

Recently, Alice has started praying out loud. It is so dear! The first time I got clued into it was after she was reprimanded for running away. I buckled her into her car seat then went to load up some other things. When I buckled myself in I noticed some little chit cat in the back seat. “Whatchadoing?” I asked. “I was just talkin’ to Dod. About running away… and sorry”.

THAT was pretty darn cool 🙂

Just last night she was trying to fall asleep and was crying a little. Then I overheard, “Dod..(something something..) and to help me. I miss mommy.” Quietness, peace and slumber soon followed.

We can learn a lot from these little squirts.

“So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:4

“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:17

Here is Alice pondering these truths….

And, lastly, a re-post of this poem. I posted this when Alice was just a new babe. I love this one, and find it so true.

She’s greater far, that little child, than you;
The very child you teach, she teaches you.
You teach her to be Christlike, but have you
Forgotten she already is, far more than you?
You teach her right from wrong, and yet it’s she,
Not you, whose conscience is more clear and free.
You teach her trust in God, but can’t you see
That it is you who lack trust more than she?
For you find doubt and reason in your way
While she in simple faith believes straightway.
You teach her to forgive, but don’t you know
That she forgives in half the time you do?
And she, when she forgives, at once forgets;
But you? You struggle long with grudge and debts.
You try to teach her love. You can’t. You cry,
“My child, you are the teacher, and not I!”
So learn from her, be like her, you who teach.
You must, Christ says, if heaven you would reach.
– Ida Boyer Bontrager

  1. Joanne Leon

    Hi Jill,Ben and Little Alice,

    I loved reading about Alice’s prayer story and also the poem that you posted. It’s true children teach their parents about Christ. What a joy it is to share it with family and even when they’re adults, the learning goes on for both. Take care,God bless you all and keep up with those pics of Alice and her journey.

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