Yay + Job

Jill got home a couple days ago! I’m sure she’ll be blogging about her trip any time now, she has lots of pictures too.

Oh yes, I had an interview at the same school I work at (as a guitar teacher) for an IT job, and apparently I have it! It’s part time and deals with stuff like data entry, server maintenance, tech support, setup of new computers, etc. The only area I’m lacking in is Windows-based knowledge. After years of using Macs, I’m just not that familiar with PC’s and their horrible problems. I guess the bright side is that the plethora of problems associated with such computers keeps people like me in a job. It seems like the two full-time IT guys there (both older, serious, Russian men) are completely swamped with stuff to do.

I will still be teaching guitar lessons when school starts, but if everything works out I can work the same days at the IT position and then teach after school.

  1. Kimberly

    Congratulations! (P.S. Schools with Macs have an IT guy, too, buddy!)

  2. Good stuff, Ben! A friend from college has a great site for Windows optimization/spyware/malware maintenance… it doesn’t make a certified Windows professional but it’s a good reference.


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